How To Study 16 Hours A Day😊

  1. Make a study plan for 1 week First, decide the:-

    Subject name, Chapter name Books to read, Books to solve.

  2. Put a focused sprint(in which you will be doing only one task in a particular fixed time). Fix time according to the work. Keep on increasing the time of focus sprint slowly day by day.

  3. Listen to White noise, go to youtube or Spotify search white noise, and by listening to white noise we will not get distracted by surrounding sounds.

-->Distractions are of two types:-

External:- that is caused by another person like your friend or surroundings like the noise of cars

Internal:-caused by you like while reading thinking of a trip or something. So you have to stop overthinking and convince yourself that it's fine to let’s start reading And make it a practice.

  1. study space:- just change your study after some time and go to another place where there is no noise and which is good to study, and do not sit in front of a tv or laptop.

  2. Important tip:-its depend on you how many hours you study but improves the quality of the study. And do not feel depressed because of not studying for the time you have decided and don't compare yourself with any other one because you're just started and it takes time and practice to study for long hours. but try to Study better Next time.

                                                              ALL THE BEST
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